PassLeader just published the NEWEST Fortinet NSE7_EFW exam dumps! And, PassLeader offer two types of the NSE7_EFW dumps — NSE7_EFW VCE dumps and NSE7_EFW PDF dumps, both VCE and PDF contain the NEWEST NSE7_EFW exam questions, they will help you PASSING the Fortinet NSE7_EFW exam easily! Now, get the NEWEST NSE7_EFW dumps in VCE and PDF from PassLeader — (97 Q&As Dumps)
What’s more, part of that PassLeader NSE7_EFW dumps now are free —
Four FortiGate devices configured for OSPF connected to the same broadcast domain. The first unit is elected as the designated router. The second unit is elected as the backup designated router Under normal operation, how many OSPF full adjacencies are formed to each of the other two units?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4