PassLeader just published the NEWEST Fortinet NSE6_WCS-6.4 exam dumps! And, PassLeader offer two types of the NSE6_WCS-6.4 dumps — NSE6_WCS-6.4 VCE dumps and NSE6_WCS-6.4 PDF dumps, both VCE and PDF contain the NEWEST NSE6_WCS-6.4 exam questions, they will help you PASSING the Fortinet NSE6_WCS-6.4 exam easily! Now, get the NEWEST NSE6_WCS-6.4 dumps in VCE and PDF from PassLeader — (30 Q&As Dumps)
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Your company deployed a FortiSandbox for AWS. Which statement is correct about FortiSandbox for AWS?
A. FortiSandbox for AWS does not need more resources because it performs only management and analysis tasks.
B. The FortiSandbox manager is installed on AWS platform and analyzes the results of the sandboxing process received from on-premises Windows instances.
C. FortiSandbox for AWS comes as hybrid solution. The FortiSandbox manager is installed on-premises and analyzes the results of the sandboxing process received from AWS EC2 instances.
D. FortiSandbox deploys new EC2 instances with the custom Windows and Linux VMS, then it sends malware, runs it, and captures the results for analysis.