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Examine the following routing table and BGP configuration; then answer the question below.
The BGP connection is up, but the local peer is NOT advertising the prefix Which configuration change will make the local peer advertise this prefix?
A. Enable the redistribution of connected routers into BGP.
B. Enable the redistribution of static routers into BGP.
C. Disable the setting network-import-check.
D. Enable the setting ebgp-multipath.
Answer: C
Which real time debug should an administrator enable to troubleshoot RADIUS authentication problems?
A. diagnose debug application radius -1
B. daignose debug application fnbamd -1
C. diagnose authd console-log enable
D. diagnose radius console-log enable
Answer: A
When does a RADIUS server send an Access-Challenge packet?
A. The server does not have the user credentials yet.
B. The server requires more information from the user,such as the token code for two-factor authentication.
C. The user credentials are wrong.
D. The user account is not found in the server.
Answer: B
Learning the PassLeader NSE7 dumps with VCE and PDF for 100% passing Fortinet certification — (40 Q&As Dumps –> 97 Q&As Dumps)
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