PassLeader just published the NEWEST Fortinet NSE5_FSM-5.2 exam dumps! And, PassLeader offer two types of the NSE5_FSM-5.2 dumps — NSE5_FSM-5.2 VCE dumps and NSE5_FSM-5.2 PDF dumps, both VCE and PDF contain the NEWEST NSE5_FSM-5.2 exam questions, they will help you PASSING the Fortinet NSE5_FSM-5.2 exam easily! Now, get the NEWEST NSE5_FSM-5.2 dumps in VCE and PDF from PassLeader — (45 Q&As Dumps)
What’s more, part of that PassLeader NSE5_FSM-5.2 dumps now are free —
If an incident’s status is “Cleared”, what does this mean?
A. Two hours have passed since the incident occurred and the incident has not reoccurred.
B. A clear condition set on a rule was satisfied.
C. A security rule issue has been resolved.
D. The incident was cleared by an operator.